Call us (856) 326-0981
Sundays: 9am & 11am at 258 Landis Ave, Bridgeton, NJ 08302
Welcome to Growth Track Step Two! In this class you will learn more about Victory, our purpose and structure, and have the opportunity to become a member of our church! Just follow along below and complete each step until you complete the Step Two Form.

If you have any issues or questions, feel free to send an email to [email protected].

1. Download the Step Two Notes

Step Two Notes

2. Watch this Video

Pastor Ralph will talk us through how we can begin to discover our unique design. Please watch and follow along (this video covers pages 2 and 3 in the notes).

3. Take the Personality and Gifts Assessment

Now, take some time to complete the Personality and Gifts assement at the following link. Take your time and answer honestly! This will help you better understand your unique design. After completing the assement, record your results on page 5 of your notes.
Personality and Gifts Assessment

4. Review the rest of the Step Two Notes

After recording your results, read the rest of the Step Two notes. You will learn more about each personality type, and Spiritual Gift. 

5. Complete the Step Two Form

Finally, please complete the Step Two Form at the link below. God bless you!
Step Two Form
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