Call us (856) 326-0981
Sundays: 9am & 11am at 258 Landis Ave, Bridgeton, NJ 08302



Available at both 9am and 11am services.
IMPORTANT: At both services ALL kids should be checked in upstairs in the Vkids area where we will worship together. Directly after worship children 3 and under will move to the Pre-K class on the main floor of the church.


We want to see kids of all ages find their identity and purpose in Christ, through the truth of the Biblical teaching, Holy Spirit lead prayer & worship and friendship building fun! As well as, to help kids know and experience God and become fully devoted disciples.


We believe children are important in the kingdom of God, and we value children and their role in our church. We will strive to draw them closer to the Lord and give them opportunities to grow as disciples and serve Him.

We are committed to provide:

A safe and secure environment
Bible-centered teaching
Exciting and fun ministry
Equipping parents as spiritual leaders
Sharing our faith and serving others

VKids Christmas Song:

Hey all! We are looking forward to this year's Christmas Season. Here at Vkids we are going to be presenting a special song to the church on Dec 15th. Here is the song!
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